Thursday, September 4, 2014

Ditching Common Core 

All around the nation, the U.S. Department of Education has been trying to get states to ditch their school standards. On August 29, the agency said that it was not political motives was behind the decision to deny Oklahoma the authority to decide how to spend the money it receives for federal education, but a focus on high academic standards. The amount of money Oklahoma receives for federal education is 29 million dollars, and the state doesn't get to decide what to do with this huge amount of money. Conservatives have been criticizing the Common Core because they believe it is a way for federal power to take control of education. The federal government is giving Oklahoma time to make a few adjustments to the program so it can follow the instructions the federal law set for the start of the 2015-2016 school year. Other states that have ditched Common Core are Indiana and South Carolina, both of which are Republican led.

In my personal opinion, the state of Oklahoma should be given the option to spend the money how they want to. It isn't fair that the government can do whatever they what with such a large amount of money as 29 million dollars without any consent from the state.

This article is related to our AP US Government and Politics class for a view reasons. First, it describes the different prospective of conservatives and the state of Oklahoma which has a republican government. It also discusses how Bobby Jindal, governor of Louisiana, filed a lawsuit. He accused the Obama administration of "illegally manipulating federal grant money to force states to adopt Common Core."

1 comment:

  1. They should be allowed to spend the money as they see fit. It is a states right to create an education system they want, however, there needs to be some standards for all the states because once they get out of high school, if they move to another state they may no nothing about one subject and everyone else knows it. There needs to be a mix of federal education with the states excercising their rights but still educatating young ready leaders and creators.
