Friday, October 3, 2014

The 3% Economy

Our country is now at a 3% GDP growth. A couple years ago, Americans couldn't wait for this to happen, thinking that when the GDP growth finally hit close to 3%, the middle class jobs and wages would be restored. Sadly, this has not been the case. Unemployment is down, but only a fraction of the jobs lost during the Great Recession that pay more than $15 per hour have been found. As if this isn't bad enough, wage growth has stayed near zero for the last 10 years. Our economy is broken, and it's about to get worse. According to a smart investor, student debt is where the next big financial crisis is coming from. It has tripled over the lat decade and it is still growing. However, this is not surprising considering the circumstances. Students are fighting the strong structural change in the economy. Also, many students are trying to become educated so they can get out of the cycle of downward mobility.

This article relates to our class in a couple of ways. It discusses the issues in the economy such as student debt, unemployment, and wage growth. It also talks about GPD growth and how it relates to our economy. In my opinion, the GDP growth number doesn't make a difference. If you don't think the economy is any better than before, then you are probably right.

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