Friday, October 24, 2014

What Will Happen If the Republicans Win the Senate

According to most polls, the Republicans will most likely take a slim lead in November’s mid-term elections for the Senate. If this happens, the result will either be political paralysis or finding common ground between the Republicans and the Democrats. The pessimistic view of this scenario is saying that there will be no important laws passed while there is a Republican Senate because the two parties are so antithetical that they never agree on anything. The optimistic view counters this by saying that the Republicans and the president will have to work together to keep both their legacies alive. For example, Republicans are stating that they believe if the Republicans win the Senate, they will see advancement in policies such as free trade, corporate-tax reform, deficit reduction, federal highway funding, and revising the legal basis for the war in Iraq and Syria.

I do not think having a majority of the Senate being Republicans would be a good thing. I believe it would just make it even more difficult to agree on things than it already is. Many Republicans believe Obama is a hazard whom Americans should oppose. On the other hand, many Democrats think there is no point trying to reason with Republicans on the matter of making deals. Because of this, they will never cut a deal if there is a Republican Senate.

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